Fin in a Waste of Waters

"These moments of escape are not to be despised. They come too seldom....Leaning over this parapet I see far out a waste of water. A fin turns....I note under 'F.,' therefore, 'Fin in a waste of waters.' I, who am perpetually making notes in the margin of my mind for some final statement, make this mark, waiting for some winter's evening." (from Woolf's THE WAVES)

04 October 2006

Henry James heroine

So, during this time abroad, first in London, then Budapest, and now Brighton, a few of my professors have commented that I'm "living the life of a Henry James heroine!" I immediately thought of Isabel Archer, the somewhat naieve American who travels to England, France, Italy (but never Henrietta Stackpole, though perhaps I share her professionality!).

Then, in What Maisie Knew, I read:

"She was 'abroad' and she gave herself up to it, responded to it....Her vocation was to see the world and to thrill with enjoyment of the picture; she had grown older in five minutes....Literally in the course of an hour she found her initation...." (The Wordsworth Classics edition, p 141).

Aha. Yes, this is so much what I feel!


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